Uranus Enters Pisces
Maggie Kerr (AAT.Dip.Couns.)

The following is an extract from my article in Wellspring Astrology Annual 2003 called “Global Outlook” pg. 110. I thoroughly recommend this Annual, as there are a number of excellent articles!!

Uranus Enters Pisces.
One of the most exciting features of 2003 will be the entrance of the bringer of revolution and innovation, Uranus into the sign of Pisces on March 10th. He spends 7 years in each sign as he has an 84 year cycle - considered to be a human lifetime; during which we are supposed to fulfil the process of becoming an ‘original’ and ‘individual’ person. These are his keywords, and his passage through any 7-year period in a sign, heralds the emergence of new ground breaking developments in the fields, which are associated with the sign. So a few ideas here may help to unlock the magic of Uranus and his fascinating implications.

Uranus is the planet which rules Aquarius, and his discovery in 1781 opened the doors of invention and technology which are leading us into the Aquarian Age or 2,160 year phase about to unfold. During the past 7 years he has been passing through his own sign of Aquarius, so since 1995 we have ‘opened’ a huge new phase in scientific and technological progress - E-Commerce which links us all globally (yes you are now officially a dinosaur if you can’t use the Internet; the mapping of the human genes with the staggering implications of gene treatment application in medicine and food production; global human rights agitation and terrorism - to name just a few of the massive developments which have occurred over the past 7 years. Uranus was last in Aquarius between 1912 & 1920, the period of the 1st World War with its resultant re-organisation of global boundaries and power structures, and the birth of Communism. Within this time also we saw a radical bursting forth of the Industrial and scientific principles which have brought us to now. Each time he moves through his own sign, we experience an exponential accelerative rate of change!

This was followed by Uranus in Pisces between 1920 and 1927 - Pisces is the final stage in the 12 fold process, and as such teaches us of the divine nature within each of us, hence our Spirituality, and all forms of artistic, psychological and mediumistic inspiration - here’s a few of the developments during this phase:
· This was the roaring 20s with its’ fabulous expression of a new artistic and cultural revolution - the Art Deco and Modernist movement and Norman Lindsay with his nudes and satyrs - liberation in oh so many ways from the constraints of the late Victorian era.
· The period during which arcane or ancient mystery teachings resurfaced through The Order Of The Golden Dawn and teachers like Alice Bailey.
· Major growth in the field of Psychology, and the use of these ‘models’, which allow us to explore our “inner spaces” - our psyche. The 1960s took us much further again in this field, so we see again this accelerative kick when Uranus was conjunct Pluto in Virgo!
· “Talking pictures” - the application of the technology of Uranus in Aquarius with the ability to tell stories via film. Neptune was discovered in 1846 and one of the accompanying events was photography, which became our modern way of conveying mythic themes and archetypes.
· The birth of The League of Nations - 1920-1946… mankind’s first effort at permanent, organised world wide international cooperation to prevent war and promote human well-being.
· Hitler/Mussolini/Lenin - with their “ideologies”. Pisces represents “ideology” - Uranus represents “humanity”
· The Japanese were becoming global players, which eventuated in their invasion of Manchuria. They offered the first modern rendition of the concept of martyrs for an ideal or for something greater than themselves.

So keeping this historical perspective in mind, we can expect that the next 7 years leading up till 2010 will offer us a very necessary restoration and renewal in the artistic and sensitive nature within us all, to balance up the technical left brain activities and evolution of the past 7 years. Uranus is said to rule the 7th Ray Of Ceremonial Magic”, so a greater acceptance of Wicca and Earth/Nature ritual will also spread throughout the community, as people seek to create links with their Spirituality, which conventional religion is not offering them. In terms of art, film and style we will see a new wave of highly original and eclectic mediums which reflect a more individualised culture attempting to synthesise Spiritual values - in short… a Spiritual Revolution.

This also links into the “human potential movement”, as the Metaphysical concepts to do with body/mind health also filter through into the collective, and people begin to take responsibility for the fact that our thoughts create our reality… and our health. Auto Immune system issues will become more prevalent, as our Spiritual Health has everything to do with our Psycho-emotional and resultant physical health. Neptune and Pisces rule the Immune System and sensitivity on every level. The Horoscope for the New Millennium (Midnight at Greenwich Jan 1st 2001) reflects this, with its Moon in Pisces in the 6th house of health! The Moon reflects the emotional health of the Collective, and its placement here tells us that Spiritual health will have everything to do with emotional health & safety.

As Pisces is a water sign and Uranus brings technological and scientific innovation, we will probably see major developments in Marine Sciences; fish and marine farming and self-contained satellite cities built off shore. The remarkable Arthur Clarke of 2001 Space Odyssey fame offered us these ideas back in the 1960s, including fascinating concepts such as Whale “milking”! Why not? After all it was his original concepts from the 1940s, which led to telecommunications satellites. The oil industry will experience great change (Neptune rules oil), as Green Technology finally begins to infiltrate the corporate power structures! Perhaps Science will finally penetrate the “mystery of God” and a creative fusion may occur - there is an old saying that when “Science (Uranus) finds God (Neptune) then East will meet West” - so there may come a uniting rather than conflict between ideologies.

The psychic/intuitive function will explode onto the scene, with increased interest and use of telekinesis, parapsychology and telepathy - so start practicing now and get in early!! The film industry (another rulership here) will continue to alter radically as computer animation really explodes onto the ‘scene’ - virtual reality at the movies and so on… the implications are enormous! Space technology will take us toward the visions of colonisation of the Solar System, including the reality of “beam me up Scottie” - the sci-fi concept from the great mind of Gene Rodenberry. The 1960s saw the first wave here with Uranus conjunct Pluto.

There is great potential here for liberation of the mentally handicapped through the use of technology - this will free many who are trapped in bodies which are disabled but who have wonderful gifts and talents in other areas. We may also be liberated from judgements and moral constraints regarding mental disease as we deepen our understanding of addictions as an emotional reaction to lack of meaning and purpose and to cover feelings of alienation and unlovability.

Psychological models will also deepen and expand us further as we recognise these ideas around Psycho-Spiritual Health. We have the opportunity to shift the individual and ultimately the collective out of “victim consciousness” into self-responsibility - hence the crisis in conventional religious models, which anchor their ideas in sacrifice/ suffering/ martyrdom/ as the path to salvation. Once we heal the emotions of fear/ anger/ guilt/ shame/ blame and so on we enable emotional “wellness”…

Perhaps there will be another Spiritualist revival as it becomes quite trendy to be talking about your past lives or to your relatives on the ‘other side’! Traps for young players here, so beware the bandwagon, and seek out those with experience and pure intent!

The traditional models of conventional marriage relationship will change at last, as we begin to understand the romantic illusions of “love” complete with merging into the partner and expecting them to save/rescue us from our lack of inner fulfilment. The new “union” will be between two individuals who ‘choose’ to be together without power and control games because of emotional insecurity.

On the down side we will probably see an increase in Idealistic Martyrs with cults and pseudo religions whose leaders use religion as their excuse for conflict and aggression, especially until Pluto leaves Sagittarius in 2007. There may be an increase in mental health disease i.e. mad people creating havoc and rebellion, as so often the liberation, which Uranus offers, comes with some degree of chaos as part of his process.

An interesting addition to the equation here is that Neptune (who is the ‘natural’ ruling planet of Pisces), has been in Aquarius since 1997, and will continue his slow progress through this sign until 2012 (the final date on the Mayan Calendar), when he also will finally enter his own sign of Pisces… and this only happens every 164 years. So this next 7 years will see what we call a “mutual reception”, as these two planets are in each other’s signs. This is a tremendously powerful alliance of outer planetary energies, and as we have seen the outer planets is responsible for the deeper urges within our collective evolution. Simply put, we may expect to gradually see the releasing of a Spiritual understanding into our world, which will finally offer the inspiration for people to transcend ‘materialism’ as our God, and return to a greater state of Soulfulness - the very thing that we have been working toward opening since the mid 1960s. So this is indeed exciting stuff!

If you are a Piscean, or a Virgo, Gemini or Sagittarian, then you will be under the influence of Uranus from 2003, so get ready for many sweeping changes in your life, which may leave you wondering what happened to who you used to be!! These signs will now be challenged to awaken to how they may use their skills and energy toward a more Humanitarian application. This 7 year period will be a great “dissemination” phase, as all these signs share and teach the knowledge which can change and awaken people to a more holistic view of our world.


Maggie Kerr AAT

Copyright © Maggie Kerr