Universal Astrology


2013 Horoscope for Each Sign


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Read on for the 2013 Horoscopes. This is followed my little travelogue of my time in Mexico is you’re interested and some info on the Mayan Calenders and all that stuff!



Rams are in for another high octane year with revolutionary Uranus continuing to enliven your life with fresh directions and ideas…and its’ all about your career. If you’re born late March/early April then things are definitely hotting up toward a major revamp of your world as you release the old outmoded things and people from your life and get ready to reformat your operating system! Until mid-year the key for you all is to up-skill your mental power and really know that you are creating your reality every time you have a thought! These are busy travel times both mentally and physically so be alert to incoming data from many different sources. From July your focus shifts to the home front as Jupiter comes to call for his once in 12 year freshen up, so no surprise that moving, renovating and welcoming new family members may be on the cards. But most importantly this is your chance to heal and grow your emotional foundations to allow your natural courage and initiative to take you forward from here. There is also a general call to deal with who you share your money and power with, as Saturn takes you for a plunge into Scorpio waters, so release limiting situations and learn to trust others along the way.


Take advantage of Jupiter in your financial sector until mid-year offering you the chance to grow your resource base via the addition of clever new ideas or info that free you up from the dead in the water financial system currently on offer. Think gold! Also think and be optimistic as you head into July when a learning curve arrives in your path that will send you spinning into new directions. If you’re discontent with your work then go and re-train and/or simply enjoy the feast of people and ideas who will feed your conservative soul with startling new options. Yes this is not the year for stubborn resistance, especially when it comes to relationships…some of which may be starting to come under a little pressure. Yes? Well every 28 years Saturn in the partnership sector calls us to closely examine just how much responsibility we do or don’t take for our lives and whether we need to let others off the hook for being ‘meanies’ if they call us to account. Or is it you doing too much for too little? The simple call is to step out of rigid or limiting situations, as you also find yourself saying yes to important new commitments with others.


Well kids are you having fun? Hope so because the once in 12 year new opportunities cycle in your life is in full swing so be there or be square. Jupiter expands and grows our confidence to pioneer and open new frontiers, and as the communicator of the zodiac then it’s time to spread your knowledge and believe you have the right to be heard. Mind you he is also meant to offer us insight and wisdom so perhaps you’re also learning to shut up sometimes and let others share with you! When we add the Saturn ingredient to your year we see a hard working phase stepping you up in your daily work and service life. So this means finding practical workable ways to use your mind/ideas…a good thing for Gem folks as this can anchor and organise you rather than leave you to scatter as is your tendency. From July you begin to focus on your material world with major advances possible in earning power, but as its good old Jupiter at work again then you must conserve not splurge to gain outcomes over the next few years. Despite being a ‘mental’ sign you are emotionally driven when it comes to your own sense of worthiness to create your prosperity, so be emotionally ‘safe’ and all will be well.


As you step into 2013 celebrate your many blessings and know that tough times of late have strengthened you and clarified the reality that the only thing that really matters is what crab people are all about… loving our family and being there for each other! And the good news is that life holds many possibilities for you in 2013, especially after mid-year when prosperous progressive Jupiter comes to visit your sign for the first time in 12 years. Until then be content to build your inner resources, dream fresh dreams, deal with practical matters like clearing debt in preparation for busy new adventures from July. Innovation and implementing new ways of doing old things is essential for you over this few years so you can be ahead of the trends… or setting them. Those born 30th June through 4th July are up for some major shifts this year as Pluto and Uranus bust away old outmoded people and situations so you can regenerate your lives. So let go and allow your own inner emotional security to anchor you if things get a little weird, and know that your Soul has everything in order! Saturn in your creativity sector for the year requires focus and commitment to develop a new project and making sure you have fun with your kids and your own inner child…so don’t take things too seriously!


Lions are getting ready for big shifts in your physical foundations as Saturn comes calling to re-design and renovate your world over the next few years. Time to unclutter and downsize to make room for all sorts of fab new options about to unfold in the first half of 2013 as progressive Jupiter connects you with important groups or teams to further your projects. It’s all about networking and sharing ideas/info so don’t be afraid to knock on doors you would not normally believe could open for you. They will! Undertake your duties and responsibilities in both career and home areas with your heart open as you also dare to shine in your leadership potential. Remember kids this is a whole new phase unfolding that needs all the creativity and daring of you lion people to show the world how it is meant to operate. Jan/Feb are very dynamic with Mars triggering your partnership zone and in great PR form So even though your urge will to be ‘independent and go it alone’ allow support from others without arguing the point. Once Jupiter slides into Cancer from July your energy will need to slow down as much as possible as his fertile sojourn through your psycho/spiritual zone holds rich rewards on many levels.


You guys are in the midst of a terrific phase of career growth and forward motion courtesy of Jupiter doing his once in 12 year ‘moment’ up the top of your chart. So don’t miss the opportunities, especially in work related areas in Jan/Feb, as you also remember that he sometimes brings many options at once. The trick is to use your intuition and follow your soul’s true urge when deciding which path to travel. Your fabulous mind is very powerful and in full swing right now so make sure to practice the ‘new consciousness’ that synthesises left brain logical with right brain inspirational. He moves into Cancer from July and then it’s time to spread your knowledge and connect into the wider community, work with teams or just enjoy the highly social favour of what’s on offer. Saturn spends this year and next developing your IT and communication skills, with the message that you must now heal any old beliefs you may still hold that you ‘are not heard and understood’. Mind you, take care not to bore the socks off unsuspecting folks along the way and learn to hear what others have to say and as new ideas and innovation are the sign of the times.



Well you loves are off the hook from those very testing Saturn transits of the past few years…hoorah! Now comes the splendid era of change and freedom set to enliven your life via Uranus and Pluto transforming our world. For those born 1st through 6th October you may assume that by year’s end some major shifts will have begun in home/career/relationship areas with endings and new beginnings the point of the upgrading process at work. Out with the old and in with the new is your mantra so bless the people or situations that need to go as you give thanks for their lessons. There is a general sense of positivity in the planetary mix as the year begins and you’re reaching out for knowledge, tools and info as Jupiter in Gemini does his thing. It’s up to you though to make the effort to connect and step out of your old safe comfort zones, and assert yourself quite independently from partners and their ideas of who you need to be! From July a great new 12 year phase opens regarding your career goals and aspirations, so let yourself believe that you deserve success on all levels. Meanwhile Saturn now spends this year and next focusing your material world reality at a very practical level, so it is worth the effort to put in some hard work to strengthen your financial situation and get really clever at managing your resources.


OK so now it is our illustrious Eagle’s turn for the once in 28 year makeover from Saturn in your sign during this year and next. Good old Saturn is the dude who regulates so many features of our psycho-emotional makeup regarding our ‘right to success’, our capacity for self-responsibility, and generally whether we have what it takes to honour our greatest potential. Without Saturn we would never achieve well…anything! Seeing as you guys are prone to a bit of deep introspection at the best of times you are well equipped to not only manage this process but to actually set up the framework for splendid success, power and outcomes from this time in your life. A big clue for future growth options are oh so Scorpio, as re-cycling of resources in fab inventive new ways will be a major feature of building our new world! Spend Jan/Feb energising and refreshing your home base and until mid-year be content to grow your inner power. Then you are fresh and ready to step into the world again after July when sweet connections begin containing miraculous flow and renewal. You will feel a surge of fresh meaning and purpose that involves expanding your horizons physically and mentally as your phoenix rises once more!

Sagittarius No doubt you have been busy archers over the past six months, with six more busy months to come as your ruler Jupiter in your relationship sector brings new and interesting people and contacts into your life. So keep on networking and setting up the connections you need to spread your knowledge and ideas until mid-year, in particular through Jan/Feb. May brings startling new developments. This is also a once in 12 year ‘moment’ that brings love and marriage if that’s your thing, along with significant growth in your public profile…if that’s what you want! You deserve to be with the right partner/s so ‘love the one you’re with’ or say yes to the karmic partner you’ve been preparing for. Jupiter then steps into the house of ‘intimacy and sharing’ till mid-2014, which doesn’t necessarily mean that your public work ceases, but rather your source energy and power will be refreshed through the love of family…and maybe a warm new intimate encounter. Powerful people will mysteriously support your progress through this phase. As Saturn is also ‘off the boil’ over this few years you are set for a restoration period with a deepening of your commitment to the spiritual path that inspires your meaning and purpose, which will spring forth in ever greater measure by 2015!



You are another of the gang who will be pleased to hear that your ruling planet Saturn has ‘left the building’ for a while after recent testing times. You’ve been testing and refining your worldly aspirations and goals, so this is great news to enable reaching out into community and society from here in a whole new attitude. Hopefully you’ve also released old patterns that kept you ‘doing it hard’ and not having fun…ah you see the new consciousness says that we can be useful and enjoy ourselves along the way! You have incredible power from here to really take responsibility and influence social ideals, politics and community service, so go for it. From mid-2012 until mid-2013 Jupiter has been growing new developments in your work life, so if you need to reach out for international or important folks to support you then feel free! Another key here is organisation of your systems and health. For those born between 30th Dec and Jan 3rd you begin to receive the Uranus/Pluto upgrade in 2013, requiring a major release of the past in preparation for an amazing new phase of your life. So surrender control dear Goats as the journey up your mountain contains faith and trust from here.


Water Carriers are another group who are in full swing from Jupiter in Gemini as the year opens, with an added blast from Mars in your sign in Jan and Feb. Yahoo. Yes all those pieces of the puzzle of your life will start making all kinds of sense in the near future. Commit yourself to team/group projects and connections until mid-year to grow the network needed to bring forward your humanitarian ideals. No matter how large or small your dream, go for it! This is a travel, teaching and learning phase so once again, go for it and remember the world is now ready for all those strange ‘out there’ ideas you’ve been on about forever. Like we are all one…and interconnected! You may be inspired to really step out into community or political service and this simply requires that you step into your full self-worth and value. Saturn in your career zone for the next few years says stop doubting the importance of your possible contribution and own the success you so rightly deserve. He who has the last laugh laughs best! From mid-year your next service path will begin to open as you set up a new expansive phase for your work.

Pisces So are you enjoying Neptune in Pisces since last year? Seems to me he should suit you perfectly, as he is your ruling planet and so loves coming to call once every 164 years to offer you the true nature of your Piscean…ness. His fresh inspiration has begun to feed the collective with what you guys have known all along; namely that life is all about inspiration flow and tapping into archetypal mind. But life is also about getting on with creating your reality, and for those fish who care to be useful in the world then this year contains a great new setting up phase to expand your home base and build your confidence. You are the people who inspire us with the images that convey ideas through art and images utilizing all the fab new techno goodies, so be aware that your madness may not be as mad as you have been led to believe. All sorts of amazing stuff is ready to be released into the world this year and who knows maybe you’ve been on the money all along. After all it’s a fine line between brilliance and madness! Creative juice is abundant from midyear, but you’re going to have to give yourself permission to stop being invisible!


Mayan Elder Grandfather Humbatz told us that this new 5,125 year cycle contains the ‘shift’ from belief… to knowing. We all have within us the memory of the ‘knowing’ of who we really are. It is time for us to remember.

Chichen Itza


Here is my own 21.12 ‘moment’ as I spent this amazing day with Mayan Elder Humbatz Men with the Gregg Braden group at Chichen Itza. All I can say is WOW!!!

Our day began at 3am as we climbed on board the busses to head to the “cenote” right near Chichen Itza to go down into the earth for the solstice at 5.12am. The cenotes are holes in the earth that allow access to the massive underground river systems of the Yucatan, and are traditionally where Mayans entered their underworld. The fresh water in the pool was perfect balance for the deep earth Pluto realm of death, rebirth and transformation…especially since it also started raining.



Mayan elder Grandfather Humbatz Mayan elder Grandfather Humbatz and Gregg then spoke with us as 4 ladies held candles at each compass point, and he welcomed the feminine to return and bring the balance so we can step forward into this new age of “peace” after the past dark cycle now completing. He called us into 15 minutes of silence in preparation for the solstice. Well I have to tell you that meditation as the most powerful I have ever experienced… my heart began to dance…I was so excited…it was the most exhilarating inner space of well-being and feeling connected to ‘source’. Here is the message I was left with. ‘May peace be in your heart and at the centre of your being’. This is my wish for us all.

We then silently filed back up the stairs and onto the busses to be at the gates of the pyramid by 6am with a very nervous tour organiser wondering if the Mexican government would honour the special permission granted 2 years ago for us to be inside the site at the pyramid for dawn. It was yes…then no…then yes!! It was totally eerie with the spectral presence of this great ‘mountain to the stars’ in the night time light, just breaking toward pre-dawn as we made out way silently toward the SE corner of the pyramid to look back at the dawn sky…and it had stopped raining!! As dawn broke the clouds began to part as another group of early entrants took up position to dance and drum and sing their way into the new cycle. Fabulous!! My pic at the beginning of this article is about 7am as Humbatz was speaking about the power of K’EN…Father Sun.

Bonnie Mclean and Kylie Attwell.I shared this amazing time with my dear friends Bonnie Mclean and Kylie Attwell. Bonnie came to teach at my school way back in the early 1990’s. It was our 19 year re-union after staying connected in heart and mind for all these years. She is an amazing energy practitioner who lives in Pensacola Florida and works with acupuncture and energy systems for healing. www.spiritgatemedicine.com And fabulous Kylie was a student and is now a ‘sistar’ and important member of our new ’12 System’ team. Yes indeed we all had major adventures and shifts on this little trip!

Cycles of our Sun

  • Not only have we just ticked over a 5,125 year cycle or ‘TUN’, we have also completed 5 of these 5,125 year cycles - thus a 25,625 year cycle has also completed! And at the risk of overwhelming you there’s more!

  • Our Sun circles another Star/Sun called Alcyone, the brightest star in the Pleiades group. In spiritual terms the Pleiades are known as the 7 Brothers who transmit light into the heart/mind of our creative evolutionary process. The Mayan astronomers tracked this cycle as it is ‘central’ to the Maya creation cycles.

  • Next we have the fact that Alcyone also circles another Star/Sun named Sirius, well known to the Egyptians as their ‘source’ star…think Isis, Osiris their primary male/female deities.

  • Now comes the mind blowing fact that each of these massive cycles is aligning with the Galactic Centre.

If you’d like to watch a very cool video with great graphics and explanation of the Mayan Calendars and the ‘alignment’ of our Sun and the Galactic Plane check out “December 21, 2012 Fact or Fiction?”

If you would like to track and utilize the Mayan Day Symbols go to www.mayanmajix.com

It’s a great way of creating a daily diary and you can now also apply the ’12 System’ timings for your natural solar year in Part 4 of ‘The 12 System’. Go to www.12SystemSeminars.com to live-stream!



Maggie Kerr A.A.T   - Astrologer, Counsellor, Teacher, Author                  61 755 945959

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