Maggie Kerr - professional counselling Astrologe

When I first began my love affair with Astrology 30 years ago I could never have imagined that it would become the source of my life’s work. It was always about finding out about ‘me’ and how I could heal my old broken bits and step into my true essence…which by the way is I am Aquarian Sun, with Moon in Sagittarius and Leo Rising.

Through my fascination with the great cycles that underpin human evolution I have accidentally become a ‘social commentator’ as well as a counseling astrologer, and I have always offered my insights free of charge through my articles and reports. I make my ‘living’ through my work as a therapist/counselor and teacher who attempts to ‘spread a little light’ to enable people to step into their conscious power.

So this year for the first time ever I am actually going to ask you, my faithful readers and clients and students…new and old…to please contribute a donation to my work if you have enjoyed my monthly newsletters and this current 2015 report.

You can donate here if you’d like and I would be very grateful as I do a lot of behind the scenes work that is not paid along the way! Many thanks




Please Contact Maggie for bookings or if you have further questions

Please call 07 5594 5959 or contact by e-mail

Facebook - Twiiter Maggie

Maggie’s ‘The 12 System’ book & 4 part Seminars explore our current point in human and planetary evolution, and how to use these changing times to grow & thrive. You will learn about your life cycles, psychological wholeness, and how to empower your life with a yearly planner.

click > to read & order

Universal Astrology Workbooks


“What a special lady you are. I loved the delicacy with which you coaxed me down to the depths and up to the heights…and unpicked and re-wove the tapestry of my psyche. I feel a big weight lifted off me and a joyful enthusiasm for this life, having been heard and validated and 'summarised' so that I may observe my journey thus far and know where I stand...amidst the chaos of past and future expectations and the now. I feel much more balanced and integrated now and really appreciate you sharing your instincts with me. You truly are masterful at your art. The ease, skill and seeming simplicity of your applied technique is a marvel I've admired since I got off the phone. 'Geez she's good' I chuckle to myself as I mull over your approach and execution. Thanks for containing a safe space for me emotionally. The way you thread your meaning and guide me to awareness is just superb craftsmanship. The way you fed back what you were hearing from me and tied it into patterns in my chart illuminated my consciousness with unity and it felt great to experience peace due to internal cohesion. I feel free to breathe again. Many thanks:)”

Rebecca Hall Nowra NSW

Copyright © - Maggie Kerr - All rights reserved