Feb 2021 Astro Update – Aquarian Frontiers + Mercury Retrograde

The Spirit of AquariusWell Jupiter & Saturn in Revolutionary Aquarius certainly got things moving in January didn’t they?
As I noted in last month’s letter Jan 6th was destined to bring unexpected sudden events, but as ever, the Astro cycles give us heads up for ‘themes’ and then we see what comes about…in this case the storming of the Capitol building in Washington!
SO now the new admin is installed in the USA it will be interesting to see quite how the next wave of Aquarian forces will come into play as February unfolds.
Here’s the timeline on the way…

Jan 28th – Powerful Full Moon – Sun in Aquarius with Saturn & Jupiter –  opposite passionate Moon in Leo – all in challenging square to Mars & Uranus in Taurus. This opens a new wave of ‘resistance’ between the forces of the past and the demand for the social reforms of Aquarius. Major ‘activism’ from this one as it triggers a force for change, breaking free from old, entrenched ways of thinking and re-acting to spur us forward.

Read on… https://bit.ly/3iOYwGK

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