Astrology Guidance for April 2019

New Moon April 5th 2019As we step into April we are still deep in Mercury retro in Pisces…hasn’t it been a doozy as we try to navigate our way through the ‘fog zone’ and confusion reigns! Say no more…Think Brexit!

So yes our New Moon on Friday is a welcome energizer, especially as it is driven by Mars freshly in Gemini for the next 6 weeks…much more fun and busy and stimulating on many levels. Just be aware energies remain a tad unclear with Venus also in Pisces! Mercury finally heads into Aries on the 18th & Venus into Aries on the 20th.

So underpinning this Aries new beginning remains the deep sensitive focus of Pisces dissolving old forms and re-inspiring fresh conversations that demand compassion in these turbulent times.

As we prepare for the ‘global reset’ on the way as Saturn & Pluto meet in Capricorn in Jan 2020 to open their new 37 year cycle we are witnessing the breakdown of the values that drive our hard right systems. So take heart my friends – stay strong & resilient & have faith that a new & better world is possible if we unite our hearts and words and say NO to the old world order!!

Mars in Gemini is just fab for speaking up and joining with healthy progressive conversations and ideas! Go for it!

Step by step Guide to April’s Astroscape…

April 5th – New Moon in Aries @ 15deg – true launch of our natural year so set your intentions for not only the month ahead but for the whole year through to March 2020! Aries is the sign of the pioneer so requires us to be brave & daring to take independent action to move our lives forward, and with Saturn strong on this NMoon our challenge is to take full responsibility and stay strong in our commitment to our goals.

So this Aries new beginning is driven by Mars in Gemini as mentioned in my intro, stimulating ideas and conversations and as ever this can swing between conscious intelligent discussions and healthy debate AND angry words and arguments projecting blame and causing further division between warring parties! Needless to say avoid trolls and use your words wisely! Can be great for sharing knowledge and creating fresh networks with interesting stimulating people.

Also as mentioned with Mercury and Venus joining Neptune in Pisces we are still swimming in confusing waters so keep using this to increase your connection to your intuitive essence! Here’s a reminder of how to use this one!
DO’s – trust your intuition, dreams & visions then take thoughtful practical steps to bring them into form. Get clear about old limiting beliefs that may be impeding your growth into next phase of life. Be compassionate, non-judgmental & honest. Have faith in yourself and trust the flow of synchronicity in your life to bring you signals on next moves. Remain as objective as possible about people & events. Let go of old toxic people and attachments. Keep your boundaries clear. Be as mellow & adaptable as possible. Practice visualizing the uniting of your left brain with your right brain & your heart in a divine triangle.
DONT’s – rescue victims, over-analyze or criticize yourself or others, worry & fret, believe everything you hear, project your need onto others to be rescued or saved, over-react & do rage, be rigid or hard on yourself or others.
Every time you have a spare few moments close your eyes and say your mantra “I feel clear and inspired about my future. I choose LOVE & COMPASSION to guide my actions”. This is because downside Pisces can bring confusion and invites us to play in ‘victim consciousness’.

Sun Aries trine lucky Jupiter on April 15th – very positive for expanding your horizons with travel plans or writing/publishing. Generally a yummy optimistic good feeling day.

The middle of April is packed full of significant astrology. Big planet Jupiter turns retrograde at 24 degrees Sagittarius on April 10th. Jupiter remains on go slow until August  11th, when it turns direct at 14 degrees Sagittarius. When the slower-moving planets are retrograde, they turn your attention inwards.

This is a brilliant retrograde phase for planning any activity linked to Sagittarius. This includes travel, study, education, learning, legal matters & publishing. Think of the next few months as a planning stage, ready to launch your trip, project, course in September.

There’s also a second Full Moon in Libra on April 19th. This follows on from the Full Moon on March 21st at 0 deg Libra, the beginning of the sign. This month’s Full Moon falls at 29 degrees Libra, the end of the sign so this is known as a ‘Blue Moon’ with 2 Full Moons in the same signs. With Moon in Libra relationships are our focus, with the need to release those that no longer serve so we may invite new ones that do! The key is to find balance between opposites, to work at compromise and create agreements that are fair and just for both sides concerned.

Sun enters Taurus on April 20th and immediately makes a conjunction with Uranus at 2 degrees Taurus on April 22nd. This is the first time in 84 years we have Sun in Taurus triggering this brand new astro signature underpinning the revolution to heal our earth over the next 7 years. I covered this last month in depth, so for now I am very heartened by the rise of voices demanding action on climate change and renewable energy sources here in Oz (at last), along with a rising wave of support to include our first nation indigenous knowledge of correct management of this fragile ecosystem known as Oz.

We can expect the unexpected as usual with Uranus, in this case the other theme of Taurus is money and resources. This taps into the heartland of the Saturn/Pluto in Capricorn story building up as 2019 progresses. Global economies are highly challenged despite political/economic spin doctors telling us all is well and dandy, and in this climate of Jupiter in Sagittarius bringing us volatile highs and lows…as in 2007 12 years ago the last time he was here…we could indeed be heading toward the Saturn accountability factor very soon.

The Big Picture

A recurring feature of the evolutionary process on offer from the cycles of the big planets brings us the best and worst of the themes of activity! So on the one hand we are experiencing the hardening of the control mechanisms from government & business systems with ever greater loss of individual freedoms. Yes this is the worst of Saturn & Pluto in Capricorn as we see blatant corruption and hard right wing strong man tactics…all very dog eat dog stuff!

And on the upside we are seeing the demand for accountability from our leaders and institutions as we average citizens are appalled by the misuse and abuse of global resources in the never ending quest for profit at the expense of Gaia and her people and natural systems. So no surprise that many millions have lost faith in political, business & religious leaders and something’s gotta give!! Upside is also bringing us the ‘next wave’ of the equal opportunities movement for women and all marginalized groups.

We are about to enter a literal epoch changing period from 2020 with echoes back to 1518 the last time Saturn & Pluto conjoined in Capricorn, the time of Henry VIII & the ‘reformation’. So this sets the stage for the CENTURIES ahead, and we must give birth to new archetypes who mirror the true essence of a tolerant cohesive society beyond fear and division so we can co-participate in our next great REFORMATION.

Since the Christchurch massacre in March we finally have an example of this healthy strong compassionate new archetype and her name is Jacinda Ardern the PM of New Zealand. She deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for exemplifying the true nature of a leader for our new age…just around the corner! Here’s her chart…yes she is a LEO!

Live long and prosper my friends
Much love Maggie

Here is my FREE 2019 Report & Horoscopes
I hope you find it helpful and inspiring.

Maggie’s Workshops
Empowering Our Lives…
…as we Countdown to 2020’

Two-day Seminar on
Sat 11th & Sun 12th May 2019

The Astrological cycles of evolution are in high octane mode as we head toward the ‘global re-set’ on the way from 2020 through 2026.
So…it’s time for endings and new beginnings!!
Please join Maggie Kerr, Tina Mews & Marie Müller to share ideas & tools so we can work constructively with this dynamic collective process. During our 2 days we will:

  • Explore the workings of the Great Astrological Cycles as a deeper Cosmic Order to provide meaning & guidance to empower our co-participation
  • Explore how to use Quantum Consciousness to create an exciting new phase for our lives
  • Connect to Archetypal Mythic themes so we can co-create new ones!
  • Learn tools to heal and integrate the many ‘voices’ that comprise our planetary family
  • Get clear what the departure from the old cycles means for each of us

Full details & Bookings

And you are welcome to book a session to empower your life for 2019

My new Astrology Certificate e-Course!
Incorporating Astrology & Soul Centered Emotional Healing Models…with webinars & lots of recordings.