August Leo Update – Here Comes the Sun!

Aker Lions 2My Leo rising has a huge soft spot for lions so say hello to the Aker Lions from Egyptian mythology.
One is facing the past and the other the future.
So as our Sun heads through Leo where he is at his most lion hearted, set your intention to dare to shine your light & stay optimistic in these turbulent world changing times!
Your mantra is “I am fabulous and fearless – I am LOVE in action”…
Leo season is book ended by TWO full Moons this year – the first was July 24th @ 1 degree & the next lights up August 22nd right at the end of Leo.
This is a true BLUE MOON folks and with Moon in Aquarius TWICE the theme of individual freedom is front and center, along with radical science and tech advances & space cowboys!

In the middle comes the NEW MOON on Aug 8th @ 16 degrees – the annual new beginning for our creative process. Normally this augurs lots of passion, fun, and joy, but with Saturn in Aquarius opposite me thinks this may also involve certain restraints or at least a reality check.
Upside requires not buying into the heavy FEAR process of our times. You can use Saturn to create fresh plans and strategies – set fresh goals – and with Uranus also squaring up to this New Moon Aquarian goodies involve re-invention, clever new ideas and daring to be different.
Big time fixed energy here is great for stamina but also sets up stubborn resistance so not so great for harmony! Smile & let things slide if people get difficult & make sure to dance & have fun.

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