April 11th Full Moon & More!!

Full Moon Libra April 2017

Love this image for our Full Moon in Libra on April 11th containing the balance of YIN & YANG in our nature between independent action aligned with co-operation with others! Indeed ‘holding our center’ is a biggie for April as generally things can feel a tad frustrating due to both Venus and then Mercury in retro phases. It kind of feels like an anti-climax to the Aries energy from late March urging us onward…and then forward motion being blocked by events beyond our control or annoying stuff we have to deal with. Yep our very strange year continues to challenge us to innovate new activity as we also learn to ‘GO WITH THE FLOW’ & trust!!

You are welcome to book a personal session & please click like on Universal Astro FB page for updates between these letters!

Mercury retrogradeBasic info about Mercury RETROGRADE timings is now pretty well known these days! Even staunch ‘don’t believe in Astrology’ business types now know that it’s cool to heed the caution to deal with the details and avoid signing contracts during this time.   Yes 3 x each year our little buddy Mercury appears to go ‘backwards’  so we can do all the RE things…as listed above! So from April 9th until May 5th our ‘messenger God’ does his retro phase in TAURUS. So it’s all about details to do with MONEY and VALUE systems in our lives. Merc retro is fab for lining up the balls so you’re set to LAUNCH projects & new goodies after mid-May. Here’s the link to my 2017 Global Astrology Report & Horoscopes

Hi folks welcome to my April update where I’ll cover the main territory in the first few paras for those who are in info fatigue mode, and if you’re up for the long story then you can read on…ok?

So as we head toward Tuesday’s Full Moon things are hotting up in the ‘let’s play war game’ as the idiots who run our world rattle their sabers in their endless quest for power. OK so because we are wise owls who get that fear sells, we’re way beyond getting sucked into their hideous game right?

So even though it is indeed a power packed & potentially dangerous Full Moon period on the way we ARE going to use it as an amazing opportunity to create exciting new plans with cool partners to expand our possibilities, & to upgrade our consciousness beyond ‘division’ & ‘separation’ to create inner peace & UNITY no matter how weird things get ‘out there’.

Yes we have every right to be angry with the system but we have to find a way to channel it into constructive action & demand diplomatic solutions. We are NOT going to over-react or antagonize or project our frustrations are we? We ARE going to practice co-operation & send our hearts & minds toward all things peaceful.  

April opened with Venus still retro since March 4th & it won’t be until May 19th she comes ‘out of shadow’ and returns to 13 degrees Aries where she started! Hence my suggestion that it’s good to wait until after May 19th for major launches for projects or big life decisions that are pending.  So during this 40 day period we have time to review & value our need for independent action, plus release old toxic relating patterns where we are not being valued! So not a great time to start love affairs or buy luxury items, just keep growing your confidence & prosperity consciousness to initiate new direction next month!

Indeed one of our major challenges during April also arrives via the beautiful one being ‘squared’ by Saturn for most of the month! So if you’re feeling like you’re in a bit of a trough, finances are a bit stretched, creative mojo has deserted you, or easy lovin is in short supply… then blame good old Saturn! He’s a hard taskmaster who demands of us that we ‘never give up’ and keep working toward our goals. When he’s connecting to Venus he’s testing our relationships on many levels. Are we staying in a situation because of money or an ‘unconscious invitation’ to invite others to limit us so we don’t have to take responsibility for our own individual growth?

This is actually a great time to review Venus stuff – what we eat – the clothes we wear- who matters – your choices – what are you attached to that’s holding you back – just about everything really! It’s a big cleanse and release phase and you’ll feel so much freer long term, so stay fluid and adaptable and keep that sense of humor front & center. Just beware the urge to have a pity party or get sucked into someone else’s!

OK so speaking of Saturn… he also turns retro on April 6th until August 24th…which happens every year BUT this year is a biggie as he is exactly on the Galactic Centre as he stands still and heads backwards for the next 5 months, and then re-connects with this point in December just before he leaves Sagittarius…and into Capricorn.    The GC is the Centre of our Galaxy – the black hole located @ 27 degrees of Sagittarius that emanates the magnetisms for our whole Galaxy & Solar System.

The Mayans called the GC ‘Hunab Ku’. ‘Hunab’ means ‘one state of being’ and ‘Ku’ means ‘God’ so the direct translation would be One State of Being God. When our planets align with the GC historically we are activated with new levels of KNOWLEDGE that progress our species. It’s also interesting that it’s position in Sagittarius underpins the essence of the collective evolution of our human process…i.e. the belief systems that drive our evolutionary growth!

This is a significant point in Saturn’s 28/9 year cycle as the last time he was here was 1988…the prelude to the massive events of 1989 – fall of Berlin Wall & the arrival of Russia & China into the globalization systems. So are we also currently poised for some really big global re-arrangements from next year when Uranus enters Taurus & Saturn enters Capricorn? Could it also be that this current 2017 cycle reveals to the scientific community a whole new understanding of the science of INTERCONNECTEDNESS.

Let’s not forget that we’ve also just had the Mayan Calendar 26,000 year return in 2012, so we’re in a brand new phase in human affairs BIG TIME, which is triggering the new revolution in consciousness of our times. So maybe it’s finally time for the knowledge of the Einstein/Tesla of our time to finally be welcomed into our scientific thinking. I’ve been following the work of this amazing mathematician for several years now. His name is Nassim Haramein and his revolutionary work proves that the current world view that our Universe is random & disconnected, is actually unified and perfectly tuned or INTERCONNECTED.  Here’s one of his presentations on “The Connected Universe” Please watch and share far and wide my friends, and go to his “Resonance Science Foundation”  for more info!

Also interesting timing that our ABC ran a 3-part series this week with Astrophysicist Brian Cox exploring our Cosmos with an open forum for amateur astronomers to ‘discover’ new planets…which they did!! Cox isn’t my favorite guy as he totally puts down Astrology, but it’s cool that he’s inspiring folks to ‘seek out knowledge of new worlds’.

Personally we are open to major insights and wake up calls that trigger our own evolution beyond the old limited world view THIS YEAR!

Sun into Taurus on April 20th – opening stage 2 of our natural year. We’ve had Mars in Taurus for the past month so the money thing is already front & center so we now have another month to refine our finances, and yes slow & steady winds the race. All very practical my friends & beware the invitations from the debt machine to get sucked in as things are even more stretched in the Global debt systems….and not looking good. So interesting to see how this all comes to a head as we head into 2018 and change agent Uranus heads into Taurus!

Mars into Gemini on Sat April 22nd until June 5th- Will be so good to have Mr Action in an air sign at last hoorah! So tune up your vocal chords and start making plans for planes trains and automobiles to get you out and about especially as he heads into May. Great for networking & getting our message out there with the usual caution to LISTEN and learn rather than just do all the talking, and your permission here is “I am now heard and understood’. Downside may be ‘angry words’ from others…but not us right?

New Moon Weds April 26th @ 6 degrees Taurus – already talked up Taurus above so this is the New Moon to activate our wealth & worth areas. Celebrate the sensual pleasure of Taurus!! Plant gardens and veggies, make love, paint pictures, make music, give & receive massages & love yourself and your world…be grateful.

Here’s a link to a youtube interview I did for inclusion in a series & book on the nature of DESTINY & Fate. I cover core ideas about the Sun & Moon in Astrology and you may find it interesting…hope so!

I am launching my new Membership Program in May once Venus & Mercury are direct and Mars is in Gemini so stay tuned for my first offering…  Love to all Maggie


March 2017 Astro Update…

Aries Equinox

OK friends we are still deep in ‘Piscesville’ gestating our dreams & intentions for 2017 until March 20th, when El Sol enters Aries & we are free to take definitive action!! Yes the crazy 2017 ride continues as more political events keep us distracted from the main game…namely re-inventing our lives by embracing the fab opportunities from the big 2017 players…Jupiter/Uranus! Keep your focus & stay aligned!

  • Sun in Pisces
  • Venus retrograde in Aries – March 4th
  • Mars into Taurus – March 10th
  • Full Moon March 12th – Pisces/Virgo
  • Mercury into Aries – March 13th
  • Sun into Aries @ Equinox March 20th
  • New Moon March 28th – Aries
  • Saturn joins the Galactic Centre
  • Jupiter square Pluto

You are welcome to book a personal session & please click like on Universal Astro FB page for updates between these letters!

venus rose_ashtar-on-the-road

Venus is now retrograde in Aries for 40 days! Her full cycle returns to the same spot every 8 years creating the ROSE pattern! Beautiful synchronicity isn’t it as she is the planet of LOVE & BEAUTY. Her gift now is to build SELF LOVE & courage to step forward in our lives. She asks us to own and value our independent aspirations beyond the expectations of others & release old toxic relating patterns where you are not being valued…yay!

She began her retro on March 4th @ 13 Aries & is free to move forward after May 19th. So for the first 20 days she is ‘Innana the evening star’ as she goes into the ‘dark’ & we no longer see her in the evening sky. This is not a great time to start a love affairs or buy luxury items! Instead keep growing your confidence & self worth to initiate your new beginnings as yes she is in Aries! After March 26th she joins the Sun and becomes ‘Ishtar the Morning Star’ returning from the ‘underworld’ before sunrise, shedding her bountiful light for a prosperous new period.

Here’s the link to my 2017 Global Astrology Report & Horoscopes

March opened with a bang as Mars joined Uranus to oppose Jupiter for the second time and the highly conflicted global story amped up another notch. Their first opposition was in late December 2016 & their final ‘hit’ will be in late September, after which we should see the tensions ease, albeit heaven only knows what’s in store between now and then!

So yes things are uber intense right now & we are all managing lots of things & energies & difficult people et al. So PLEEZE hold your center with lots of positive messages to self & others remembering that we are also working to build new goodies in our lives that will be marvelous!!

In years to come you’ll be able to say you lived through the most exciting & dynamic phase of modern history! Yes the Depression & dictators of the 1930s, McCarthy & communism in the 1950s, Kennedy & King assassinations in the 1960s, Nixon & Watergate in the 1970s were watershed events in their eras. And yep ours will no doubt be remembered as the ‘Trump Year/s’!

The trouble is that when you’re in the midst of the chaos it’s hard to keep the perspective that is only available after the events. This is why I’m always reminding any who will listen to stay OBJECTIVE and simply be aware that we are witnessing a grand battle between forces of which we everyday folks have little true understanding.

I gave a talk last week about the Astrology of 2017 and was asked “what’s going to happen with all this political stuff?”. My answer was “I don’t know!” All I really know is that In terms of the big picture timings of the unfolding cycles of conscious evolution, the battle is really between the unsustainable practices of the old 3D reality program and the birth of the new paradigm sustainable future.  And in this big picture “battle” it sure is the case that 2017 contains all the big ticket global issues “in extremis” …politics /economics/weather…yep Jupiter in Libra opposing Uranus in Aries aren’t mucking around as they amplify the extreme polarization in every level of human & Gaia affairs.

So when we apply psychological principles here we have fruitful territory for our personal growth & evolution. We must own our own inner stress between the part of us who wants to stay attached to the past versus the part of us that is willing to take responsibility for the need to innovate & change…and this can be risky!  Our current social revolution isn’t just about amazing new technologies and robots and faster & better internet speeds. It’s about a global awakening way beyond that!!

I recently had an fascinating chat with one of my yummy ‘daughters’ who informed me she believes that it won’t be long before people will ‘be over’ all this techno stuff, and just want to start writing & learning & interacting with others without all the complexity that makes people so anxious and overwhelmed and socially dysfunctional.

Isn’t that interesting, as this 34 year old lady is realizing that life is so much richer without COMPLEXITY. Yes I know we can’t turn back the clock but maybe she has a point. SIMPLICITY! I’m reminded of the old T.S. Elliot quote that “we shall never cease from exploration until we return from whence we started and know it for the first time”.

Anyway that’s my little rave for this month! Stay in your heart my friends as you keep building your positive lives inspired by being part of our current social revolution toward a conscious world. Stay in gratitude…be kind to self & others…get excited…be aware that wonderful opportunities are right there for the seizing!! Time to check what our planets are up to for the rest of March and into April.

Sun in Pisces until March 20th – Pisces is the final sign of the 12 fold system thus marks the completion of our ‘natural year’. This is why it’s cool to release and let go – take a rest whenever you can – cleanse your body and home – gestate your dreams – use your intuition to connect with your highest nature…and all that stuff!

Venus retro @ 13 Aries – March 4th until April16th but not back to 13 Aries until May 19th – I outlined the basics in the top left column so a few extra points here.  Sometimes Venus retro can bring people back from our past with whom we either need to complete some old karma OR are actually meant to be re-instated in our lives for further growth. Venus also rules money, so apart from not being a time for big expense items it is a time for reviewing your finances and if necessary divesting yourself from joint situations that no longer serve you. Great time for enhancing our self-worth and home renovations may also apply.

Mars into Taurus – March 10th until April 21st – the energy planet is now meant to be directed toward steady practical matters. Money features here also (Taurus is financial) so great time to build your resources. Cool for gardening & art & music & all pleasurable & beautifying pursuits

Full Moon March 12th – 22 degrees Sun Pisces/Virgo Moon – On the upside this is a sweetie full of healing vibes from Chiron with the Sun in Pisces, so use this one to meditate and hang out with healers and visionary people to inspire your own visionary nature. Downside may arrive from Saturn in Sag in hard aspect to the full moon unleashing another big dose of truth & lies scenarios. We can use this to get honest and real about where & how our BELIEFS may be limiting us & to deal with tasks/duties and not just hide under the blankets!

Mercury into Aries – March 13th until April 1st – just a quickie as he’s only in Aries for 2 weeks. Mental and verbal energy is active and may be aggressive here, but upside is confidence to speak up and out to develop your projects and goals.

Sun into Aries @ Equinox March 20th – and so begins our new NATURAL YEAR! One of the simplest ways we can empower our lives is to align our activities with the natural year. Aries is the first sign thus features include ACTION ENTERPRISE INITIALIZING RISK COURAGE BRAVERY. It’s even better to wait until the New Moon in Aries on the 28th for full systems ahead!

  • “Wet the baby’s head”…welcome & set your intentions for your new year!
  • Own your “right to have a will and assert yourself”
  • Get in touch with your heroic brave self  – have adventures – do risky things ‘safely’
  • Begin projects and/or commit to initializing new actions in your life
  • Register business name or initialize growth plans for existing business

New Moon March 28th @ 7 degrees Aries – The ruler of Aries is Mars who is placed in Taurus on this new moon, thus it’s wise to temper our fresh enterprise and action with very practical foundations. Mars in Taurus likes steady building processes and offers tenacity and strength to your endeavors.

Saturn joins the Galactic Centre @ 27 degrees Sagittarius throughout March & April & for the final pass in late November 2017. The GC is the black hole that emanates the magnetisms for our whole Galaxy & Solar System. It’s so interesting that it’s position in Sagittarius underpins the whole nature of our human nature…the belief systems that drive our evolutionary growth! This is a significant point in Saturn’s cycle as the last time he was here was 1988…the prelude to the massive events of 1989 – fall of Berlin Wall & the arrival of Russia & China into the globalization systems. So are we also currently poised for some really big global re-arrangements from next year when Uranus enters Taurus & Saturn enters Capricorn?

Jupiter in Libra square Pluto in Capricorn @ 19 degrees – They made their first square in Nov 16 with now this one in late March & the final pass is in August 17. Their cycle began in Dec 2007 and was a major factor in the 2008 GFC. So we can expect more challenging plutocratic & economic activity in 2017 with the themes of power, money and resources. Personally we can set big goals.

Here’s a link to a youtube interview I did for inclusion in a series & book on the nature of DESTINY & Fate. I cover core ideas about the Sun & Moon in Astrology and you may find it interesting…hope so! And I am now only weeks away from launching my new Membership Program as Sun enters Aries…yay!

Stay tuned for my first offering… Onward & upward we go my friends – have a fantastic March daring to live your dreams!  Love to all Maggie

LOTS more info & insights re these major shifts in my 2017 Global Report & Horoscopes…

Feb 2017 Astro Update…

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (1)

Well folks I said we were in for a crazy ride in 2017 and so far the wildcard unexpected events have totally lived up to expectations!! I  also said that things would go off with a bang on the New Moon in Aqua on 28th as Mars also entered Aries…we sure have entered an unprecedented era in modern history now haven’t we?

So let’s have a look at what’s next in the unfolding reality drama as February brings us

  • Sun in Aqua & Mercury into Aqua
  • Venus into Aries to join Mars
  • Full Moon Lunar Eclipse Feb 11th
  • Sun into Pisces Feb 19th
  • New Moon Solar Eclipse Feb 27th

It’s a great time to book in for your 2017 year ahead chart

Well kids welcome to a brand new phase in global affairs! The Jupiter in Libra opposite Uranus in Aries forces have unleashed the radical shifts they are notorious for, and many people are reeling at the speed & impact of events over the recent weeks.

I am so aware of consciously holding my center as I observe the many views and opinions and reactions that I am witnessing. The polarization of the Jupiter/Uranus story are front and center right now, so the question becomes how do we manage this stuff and personally find the positive and truly exciting opportunities also on offer in this amazing astroscape?

Ok we’re now in Aquarius time as our Sun moves through the constellation of the Water Carrier.

  • This is the 11th stage in our natural year where we invite the innovative  ideas & solutions we’re going to need to activate our lives in 2017
  • …so we can initialize our activities when Sun enters Aries
  • …and in between gestate and nurture these ideas in Pisces time…got it!

OK let’s unpack this…as they say these days. So right now our focus needs to be on this Aquarian ideas thing as we also say yes to change even if it makes us a little uncomfortable. For many this change urge is massive hence the chaotic unpredictable features ‘out there’, so yes we all need to re-invent ourselves over the next 10 months and take some risks to do this. And we have great support from Saturn in this process to affect expansion & change with practical & steady progress…don’t forget this!

Remember that woven into our current social fabric is fear and uncertainty! Indeed this is the essence of the old 3D Reality program, and right now these carefully orchestrated events are amplifying this to peak expression!! I see this as a time bringing things to a crescendo – like an ultimate opportunity to really get this  limiting old ‘control tape’. So what happens if we’re not frightened? Liberation. This is the true essence of Aquarius my friends, where we are free to tap into unlimited Mind and become a conduit for fab and rad new solutions that will fuel the true renaissance unfolding in these chaotic times.

Aquarius offers us the highest point of the humanitarian, collective, we are all one, principle.  So it’s not surprising that the immigration/refugee issues are front and center, albeit still being woefully misunderstood, or responsibility taken for why we live in a bounteous world where so many have so little, and suffer from the actions of war makers.

Aquarius rules politics and global systems and we expect a lot of our politicians. They are meant to have ready answers to the very problems they have created. I’ve been very open over the years in sharing the belief that there is a rather nefarious global elite group who set policy behind the scenes and then use political and media and banking systems toward an end goal of ‘global domination’.  So right now I encourage you all to keep a very open mind and objective position as we watch this latest installment of the chess game.

It’s been obvious for decades now that no matter how gracious and charming or rude and belligerent a leader may be they are all serving either themselves or their masters…or both. This is why Aquarius also takes us beyond politics and into community.  ‘Be the change that you wish to see in the world.’ said Mahatma Gandhi as he midwifed the birth of his country during times of massive change and conflict.

It is through our personal commitment to giving birth to healthy community social enterprise that we can bypass the political and financial crap they have created! On that note here are Gandhi’s 10 rules for Changing the World: VERY COOL bless him!

  1. Change yourself. “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
  2. You are in control. “Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”
  3. Forgive and let it go. “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” “An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.”
  4. Without action you aren’t going anywhere. “An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.
  5. Take care of this moment. “I do not want to foresee the future. I am concerned with taking care of the present. God has given me no control over the moment following.”
  6. Everyone is human. “I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps.”
  7. Persist. “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
  8. See the good in people and help them. “I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won’t presume to probe into the faults of others.” “Man becomes great exactly in the degree in which he works for the welfare of his fellow-men.” “I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.”
  9. Be congruent, be authentic, be your true self. “Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” “Always aim at complete harmony of thought and word and deed. Always aim at purifying your thoughts and everything will be well.”
  10. Continue to grow and evolve. ”Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.”

As peacemaker Venus joins Mars in Aries on Feb 4th we get to choose to create inner & outer HARMONY in the midst of fear and conflict!! She is at her best here when our confidence ‘attracts’ others for mutual growth…remember ‘we get more bees with honey’!

And with Mars still firing up all sorts of aggressive stuff it’s SO IMPORTANT not to buy into personal and global dramas my friends, as in such polarized times arguing the point is a no win situation and just keeps perpetrating the collective conflicted tensions…but we’re not doing that are we???!!! Keep your focus and don’t get distracted by all the shite!!

Messenger Mercury joins the Sun in Aquarius on Feb 7th…hoorah!! OMGoddess I am so over Mercury and his very long haul through Capricorn since early December…yes he did his retrograde here and it’s been a tad tiresome…albeit productive.SO now the Messenger God is free to be as clever and inventive as he likes after all that worry and serious stuff! I love Mercury in Aqua as our minds can free range into all manner of out of the box connections and inventive stuff. He’s here until late Feb when he then glides into Pisces.

OK so now we need to have a look at the February Eclipses – the first of which is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Feb 11th (Fri or Sat depending on your zone). So the Sun in Aqua opposes the Moon in Leo @ 22 degrees. This is first of the Leo/Aqua eclipses over the next 18 months with echoes back to 1998/9…the previous 19 year cycle. This brings us major political (Aqua) and leadership (Leo) scenarios & with Jupiter in Libra + Saturn in Sagittarius + Uranus in Aries in strong connection with the eclipse, we can expect more unpredictable bits playing out in the 2017 drama (don’t forget you can mute the control on your TV & Media exposure!)

Especially when we look back on previous cycles in 1998/9 – 1979/80 – 1961/2 – 1952/3 – 1943/4 & 1934/5. I love my job! It’s always such fun when I do my research and find these amazing correlations. In each case we’ve had major economic/political dramas & the arising of new phases. The 1934/5 eclipses connects with the last time Jupiter/Libra opposed Uranus/Aries. Bells & whistles?

BTW this Lunar Eclipse is all over Mr Trump as his SUN plus Uranus in Gemini & MOON opposite in Sag are lit up exactly! OMG this is the ultimate stage he’s been aspiring for all his life!! We don’t know if he’s going to crash & burn over the next 10 months…whether he is the stooge being set up by the Elite when they decide to create the next GFC & it will be his fault…whether he’s brought in the Goldman Sachs swamp people because he owes them so much money…whether he is going for the ultimate prize of complete control in his own right…or whether he really has the best interests of us all in his heart & he’s going to break the Global Elite system. FASCINATING!

Please don’t forget that everyone has their own opinion here, hence the furious controversy game being waged by the media. So it’s very cool not to buy in to the drama! Our job in 2017 is to hold the space of PEACE and CO-OPERATION inspired by knowing that we are simply passing through the ‘eye of the needle’ between the past & the future!  We are in such a similar time as the French & American Revolutions when people also said no to immoral & exploitive practices.  Kings lost their heads then and nations were born. No doubt about it we are living in interesting times!

So how do we use this personally I hear you ask? OK so eclipses are portals that energetically align SUN MOON EARTH to upgrade the Matrix to create new levels of consciousness. This one is cool as it stimulates our urge for change and innovation (Uranus)  but we also know it’s cool to do this carefully (Saturn). It also offers direct stimulation to get thoughts & ideas moving but at the same time it’s wise to wait for a few weeks after the eclipse to actually take action. Ideally we open new activity after the Sun moves into Aries on March 21st – this is launch date or our new natural year.

Lunar eclipses are very emotionally reactive at the best of times but never more so than when in Aqua/Leo! Yep it’s cool to avoid direct confrontation over coming weeks, even if you are really angry about current events. Instead we can use these forces to give ourself permission to open new directions and invite wonderful partners to join us. Expect the unexpected! If you have planets around 22 degrees of fixed signs…Taurus/Leo/Scorpio/Aquarius your life is about to open a new era….and it’s very exciting. Moon in Leo can bring new levels of acknowledgement and Sun in Aqua allows us to affect society for positive conscious change!

Ah then we have our Sun moving into the sublime and inspirational sign of Pisces on Feb 19th. This is the final sign of the 12-fold Zodiac process and signals the completion of our natural year. Ideally we are meant to release the past cycle, distill the best of our experiences to take forward with us, and gestate our dreams and inspiration for the year ahead. So sage or purify your home, take lots of mineral baths to cleanse your aura and take time to rest & reflect as much as you can. We create our reality via our imagination & psychic projections so this is a great time to create your ‘vision board’ for what you wish to manifest after March 21st when Sun enters Aries and our new year truly begins! Your mantra is “I go with the flow inspired that I am creating the reality that I deserve”.

Meanwhile we also have the Solar Eclipse @ 8 degrees Pisces coming up on Feb 27th. This is the last of the Pisces/Virgo eclipses over the last 18 months. And yep there’s some bells & whistles on this one also. With Jupiter & Uranus performing their 2nd opposition joined by Mars in Aries we have another dose of wildcard activity for disruption of global affairs…”danger danger Will Robinson.” Take it as easy as possible in late Feb my friends as you also respond to some fab incoming opportunities!

Things are speedy now so once again the caution is to not make life changing decisions over coming weeks as they may be driven by frustration…just watch for incoming signals!! Uranus liberates old stuck patterns, Jupiter says be wise & Saturn says be realistic. The really big opportunity here offers us a personal upgrade in our conscious growth so we make a positive contribution to a more enlightened world.

I am heartened by expert Astrologer Bernadette Brady’s reading of this Eclipse Cycle – “This is a family of eclipses that brings with it the element of the pleasant surprise. Sudden happiness, a joyful event, the lucky break, the lucky win. The events which will be occurring can be believed and can positively change the person’s life”. We can feel the effect of Eclipses for a month or so proceeding then they are affective for 6 months until the second set in August 2017.

Have a fabulous February my friends as the winds of change swirl around us turning us in interesting new directions!! Love to all Maggie

Jan 2017 Astro Highlights

Year of Rooster!

2017 is going to amazing! There is a fresh and audacious wind blowing away the cobwebs of the past taking us in new directions, so stay positive & clear that you CAN use these fabulous startling new ingredients to create the life you want. Here’s my YOUTUBE for quick overview for 2017 influences…

2017 Global Astrology Report & Horoscopes – scroll down to end of this post…
Despite the slow start to our year courtesy of lots of planets in Piscesville AND Mercury retro, things are about to hot up with:

  • Full Moon Capricorn/Cancer Thurs 12th
  • Mercury in Cap – now direct
  • Sun into Aquarius – Fri 20th
  • New Moon Aquarius – Sat 28th!
  • Year of the Rooster – Sat 28th!
  • Mars into Aries – Sat 28th!

Well it sure looks like things will take off with a rush after Jan 28th doesn’t it? With the Aquarian New Moon opening the Chinese Year of the Fire Rooster PLUS the entrance of Mars into Aries we have action stations from Jan 28th! The NEW ONE YEAR that energizes 2017 is underpinned by the connection between Revolutionary Uranus and Progressive Jupiter triggering the unfolding liberation from the past toward a peaceful co-operative future!

The Jupiter in Libra/Uranus in Aries opposition – not since 1934 have these guys opposed each other in Libra/Aries so yep this is very significant. Jupiter made his first opposition to Uranus on December 23rd 2016; the next in late Feb/early March; and for the last time in late Sept 17. Big changes in personal & political alliances and partnerships from this one, as well as the sudden urge to expand and break free into new territory. Together they bring us the “heroic explorer” archetype to morph us into new dimensions of social and techno evolution.

The Jupiter/Uranus opposition has great connection with Saturn in Sagittarius offering supportive structures & practical strategies to underpin the big changes on the way, along with the ‘dissemination’ or spread of the new era ideas, innovations & technologies. This also takes the ‘people power’ movement into greater expression internationally. LOTS more info & insights re these major shifts in my 2017 Global Report & Horoscopes…

So this big Full Moon on Thursday 12th sits smack bang on the Jupiter/ Saturn/ Uranus team… as Sun in Cap opposite Moon in Cancer is @ 22 degrees… and so are these revolutionary dudes! The very nature Full Moons are always emotionally charged and never more so than when the Moon is in Cancer (once a year). And as transformer Pluto is in Cap with the Sun we can expect some pretty highly charged feelings due for release on this one. It is definitely a precursor for the deeper implications of the incoming Trump presidency at both social & business levels as Cap rules corporate/govt systems. Stock markets have been riding high since his win on the expectation that he will miraculously re-invent & reinvigorate business, so as they say “we shall see” if this FMoon either bursts the bubble…or offers some weird & wonderful new ingredients in the reality show of 2017!

Personally we need to check in with how we feel about change, because it’s there for us all in some form over the next 10 months. So take a few minutes to stop and close your eyes and say… “I am SAFE – it is safe for me to set amazing new goals that expand & re-invent my life – it’s safe to let go of the past & welcome this exciting new phase of my life”. OK do this every day right through to Saturday February 28th when the… New Moon @ 8 degrees Aquarius opens the Year of the Fire Rooster AND Mars enters Aries…his sign. This coincides with our fresh ONE year in the numerology cycle from ONE to NINE…

A Rooster year is often marked by brilliant success for those who have patiently worked to build a business project, whilst others may wish to change their professional environment. Either way we must manage the stress of this highly creative phase with a commitment to activate and organize our goals.  I love the way the zodiac systems from different cultures reflect the features of each other, as this synchs perfectly with the Jupiter/Uranus/Saturn energies doesn’t it? The Aquarian New Moon opens this 11th phase in our Natural Year when we naturally gravitate toward the future and connect with the urge for change and re-invention…the themes of Aquarius.

The NMoon is ruled by both Saturn in Sag & Uranus in Aries – So our urge to re-invent and dare to risk the new is creatively linked with fresh knowledge and new horizons and people. Aquarius ignites new sparks…Saturn says keep it real and stay grounded.

To create the freedom of Aquarius we have to ‘liberate’ people, things, attitudes, ideas, world views and what we used to believe kept us safe. We have to become ‘objective’, which does not mean detached or distant so we can cut off or out…or other nasty hurtful actions. It means stepping up to a very cool place where we ‘observe’ the world and don’t emotionally blow up or out…so we can make conscious choices and decisions. This after all is the whole point of the ‘shift’ from unconscious to conscious…or ‘Unity Consciousness’ where we are ‘free to unite our rational left brain with our intuitive right brain.

So the question becomes do you really trust yourself to be free? Who will you be? Who and what do you need to release? Are you willing to expand your reality with new ideas and technology so you may move forward? Your mantra is “I am now free to be me”. Once we jump on the change machine we invite and attract all kinds of splendid new unexpected developments.

Mercury finally completes his run through Capricorn after his retrograde time from Dec 19th until January 8th. I see this as a great ingredient in the midst of so much other fire and air action, as it anchors our thoughts & words into reality and helps us keep things steady in otherwise turbulent and unchartered territory.

Mars continues through Pisces until Jan 28th when he enters Aries and Venus spends the month in Pisces Water water everywhere as beautiful Venus now joins  Mars Neptune Chiron & South Node in Pisces! Whoosh! SO if you’re wondering why it’s been a slow start to the year this is why, as despite the big Jupiter/Uranus/Saturn energies doing their thing to awaken our world changing 2017, this Pisces gang offer us gestative dreaming time before action kicks in later in January.

You may feel a bit like the Pisces fishies swimming in opposite directions as the pull to the future requires you first complete the past! Tune into your feelings and go with the flow in full trust that your dear Soul has everything in perfect order, and the dreams you hold will begin to form when the time and energies are ready. So don’t push now and tune in to your intuition! Enjoy the PEACE & be aware that all sorts of mis-truths are flying so don’t buy into reacting. T

his all changes big time when first Mars charges into Aries on Feb 28th followed by Venus on Feb 3rd. Aries is the sign of birth and new beginnings, the sign of the pioneer adventurer, entrepreneur and those who “bravely go where no wo/man have been before”! Be aware that Mars is Aries brings the urge for impulsive action & can be a tad selfish, so yes you’ll be impatient to get on with things & not very good at suffering fools gladly!! Thus the obvious caution is to look before you leap but don’t be frightened to leap!!

These are fab energies to initialize new bizz projects or take action in any area you’ve been preparing for but have been feeling that the time hasn’t been quite right…up until now! And with Jupiter in Libra such a prominent underpinning force it’s essential to enlist support & co-operation with the people & resources you need to grow.

Things hot up another notch in late Feb when Mars in Aries connects with Uranus & Jupiter. We’ll look at this in more detail in my Feb newsletter. SO stay chilled over the next few weeks as you use your visualization tools and clear intention to build your energies for the fab new beginnings from Feb 28th my friends. Love to us all in these very exciting tricky times!! Maggie

Maggie’s 2017 Global Report & Horoscopes

Exciting changes on the way!2017-report-main-image-updated

Thanks for your interest in my 2017 Report!

There is so much change in the air isn’t there, and I’m so pleased you’re interested to know how to use this constructively in your life!

For the first time I am offering my extensive overview PLUS Horoscopes for each sign as an e-book…and it’s BIG.

I’ve decided US$19 is a fair price for so much information, as those who know my work appreciate I offer so much more than a typical superficial astrology report!

There’s lots to enjoy and inspire you for your holiday reading! Click on Buy Now below and get your report…


When you have placed your order using paypal or your credit card scroll down and click on RETURN TO MERCHANT & you will be taken to the Thank You page with your download link to the eBook. Don’t forget to save your copy to your PC and you will also receive an email with a link to the report.


Here’s What You Receive:

  • A total of 138 pages of powerful & insightful information
  • In-depth reading for each Sign to enable you to make the best of 2017’s life changing energies
  • Extensive overview of the impact & implications of these revolutionary 2017 forces including – Earth Changes – Politics – Global Economy- Technology – Our Personal Energy Systems
  • All the data for 2017 Eclipses and Mercury Retrograde timings
  • 2017 Year of the Rooster insights
  • List of New & Full Moons for 2017 for your diary
  • In-depth coverage of Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and the Uranus/Pluto cycles.

Click on the Buy Now button to purchase you copy of the report now!!

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